Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I will say this about a miserable winter: it gives me reason to get things done for work.  Feeling productive is always a good thing.  But being productive for work is only so exciting.  The mind tends to wander.  I think about palm trees and golf and grass and other fun things I haven't experienced in a long time.  Here are some other crazy and not so crazy things to try and/or think about in the dead of winter:

-play racquetball- Great workout, but somewhat dangerous.  If you aren't that good yet, there's a chance you could get smashed in the skull by your opponent's racquet. And there's always a decent shot of a rubber ball rocketing into one of yours.

-Cook- I'm trying to become a good cook on the grill.  I cook homemade burgers, steak tips, chicken, sausages, and even salmon on the grill.  But in case you didn't know, the grill is outside.  I am very intimidated by the oven/stove combination and to be honest, I didn't know which was which until very recently.

-Go to the Gym- I don't like the gym.  I love being active but I only enjoy sports that involves throwing, catching, or kicking a ball.  Solution?  I purchased the Perfect Sit Up machine.  I like it and I do find it easy to use, but my God is this thing awkward looking.  If it didn't say Perfect Sit Up in huge letters, you would think it was a contraption from a Swedish Porno-not that I watch Swedish Porn.

-Here's an idea I heard on Felger and Mazz:  Push the NFL season back by one month.  When the NFL kicks off, it's usually the first or second Sunday in September.  For a lot of people, this is still the summer.  We aren't as dependent on football yet.  We can go in the pool, go to the beach, go to a cookout, and do a number of outdoor things.  If the season started towards the end of September, the Super Bowl wouldn't be until the week before President's Day.  How great would it be to know that today (February 8th), we still had a big game to look forward to?  Any true football fan would enjoy this.

-Buy a Car- President's Day sales are here because people are antcy, they've been in hibernation, and they want to DO something.  Why not buy a car?  The new car smell alone will make you think you're in a rental vehicle in a warmer climate.

-Play Pool With Some Friends- I don't have a joke or an interesting comment here.  I just think it's a good idea.

-Have a Baby-I realize you have to plan ahead on this one for the kid to actually come out in February.  My wife's parents had her in February  and that turned out pretty nice.  So I get to buy her presents and give her a special day one week after Valentine's Day.  Speaking of Valentine's Day: it's stupid.

Anybody have any better ideas?


  1. I would GLADLY teach you how to cook a few things in the kitchen...that is the room where the fridge, oven/stove and microwave are.

    I'm thinking that last paragraph was sarcastic about how "nice" it is that you get to give me a special day after v-day....I'll remember that.

  2. 1) Make a baby instead of have one (lets face it the making is the fun part)

    2) Get back into video games - brings out your inner child & passes the time
    Suggestions include:

    Madden 2011 (allows you to temporarily forget about the lack of football)

    Call of Duty (allows you to shoot the fuck out of people so you can take out your pent-up aggression due to the lack of football)

    3) create a blog?

  3. Lyndsey will like this: I (strongly) suggested my husband cook on Friday nights. We don't often go out, and I'm tired and cook dinner every other night of the week. It takes him FOREVER, but that's ok since it's Friday night and we don't have to get up early. I sit in the kitchen with a drink and watch him cook and try not to be bossy. He picks the recipe and figures it all out -- he's gotten a lot better over the last couple years!

    There ya go, learn to cook on Friday nights! :o)

  4. you can make your co-workers crafty interesting gadgets.

  5. Hmmm. I imagine this is where I'm supposed to add some witty comment on what to do to soften your frustrations with winter. However my experience with what is known as one of the "four seasons" of New England compares with yours. Only now, with the football season over, will we be asking "when does this end"? We're stuck in our dwellings searching for it's warmest corner, starving for color out our windows. I guess the one thing I can do to fill the void of watching the game (besides watching the Bruins find an identity and listen to baseball fanatics try to convince us America's sport is still played on the diamond) is read the follies of this blog and the comments it harvests. Maybe I'll learn of a new artist, how to cook or what holiday holds the most value. By the way, watching the Patriot Super Bowl victories on DVD can carry you to March!! That reads like "and I can see Alaska from my house!" Ughhh. Can't wait till Spring.
