Thursday, February 10, 2011

Steve Burton and Jonathan Papelbon: Awkward Moments

For those that didn't see it on Facebook or hear it live, I was on The Sports Hub yesterday with Felger and Mazz.  Why did I call yesterday?  I don't even know.  I have a ton of shit going on right now.  Also, I'm a huge Pats fan as most of you know so I really have no good explanation why I called the Wednesday after a Super Bowl we weren't even in.  But something compelled me to rip on a few things that I find awkward about the Boston sports scene.  Most notably, Steve Burton's smile as he looks into the camera right before a commercial.  Except they don't cut to commercial right away and we are stuck staring at our televisions as Burton's tiny afro and infomercial smile burn our eyes out.  "After the break, Tully Banta-Cain breaks it all down for us, right here, on Sports Final."  And he smiles........and smiles.......and makes us scramble for the remote.


The other awkward Boston Sports Moment that drives me crazy is the ceremonial and always intimidating Papelbon entrance music.  He's not Mariano Rivera.  He's not Trevor Hoffman.  These guys earned there theme songs.  But when the Dropkick Murphys start playing at Fenway, it's almost like the other team's like "maybe this thing's NOT over, Papelbon's coming in!!  Let's score some runs!" 
So sometimes he gets the save, and sometimes he doesn't.  But man, do I feel awkward after 38,000 Sox fans are rhythmically clapping and singing "shippin up to Boston whoaaa" and then after 2 mean-faced mediocre Papelbon fastballs, we're losing.  Hey at least we had a nice little sing-along there in between innings.  My question is this:  If Papelbon sucks for the first 2 months, do they still play it?  What if Jenks or Bard takes over the closer role?  Do we go all Dropkick in the sixth when Pap comes in?  Stop the madness!

ship him out of Boston whoahhhhh!


  1. Chris,
    I just wanted you to know that I do read your blog and I do think it is funny. I do, however, wish you would just admit you want to sleep with Tom Brady.

  2. fine. I want to sleep with Tom the same bed...and just talk. Nothing more, nothing less.

  3. Burton is super creepy, thanks for saying it.
