Thursday, February 10, 2011

Strangest Commercial Ever...

This commercial has been coming and going for well over a year now.  It is the strangest commercial.  We've all seen it...there's a thunderstorm, the lady's scared, the boyfriend laughs as he comforts her.  Then, out of nowhere, he turns into a scary serious man.  There is no smooth transition here.  I don't know if it's bad editing or what.  But I am baffled by this sudden change in emotions.  It looks like he may kill this girl.  Check out the clip and pay attention at 8 seconds.
And based on the title of the clip, I'm not alone.


  1. I just saw this one tonight. It is stupid. I think in general jewelery commercials are ridiculous. The Jared commercials just stopped trying. Do any of these make you choose that store? How about the old lady from Wedding Crashers designing her own line. Is she just an actor or did she really come up with that idea???

    This is the one that drives me nuts.

    The premise is good, but why do they have the one guy have the 4G and the others not. Shouldn't it have been the other way around. The way it is now, he only gets to share the joke with himself and then he turns into a jerk at the end while everyone is having a great time with their 3G phones. Seems so simple if you had all the people with 4G laugh first and then he has 3G and is left out at the end. I don't know, it is just something that bothers me every time I see it.

    I do like the taco party one by the same people.

    Peace out.

  2. Chris, I couldn't agree more with your commercial.. I want to fucking kill that guy - or at least leap through the glass windows and punch him in the baby maker a few times.
    Doug, Yes I am not crazy about yours either.. I like the creepy guy in the Taco commercial.

    In conclusion -- this is one of my favorite akward commercials... The fat kid is priceless and he makes a face in the end like I would when I wake up in the morning and realize I have to get out of bed.
