Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr. President...

With Presidents Day upon us?  I think it's only fitting that we give a shout out to some of our more important leaders.  But first, a fun fact or two about Presidents Day:

Did you know that...
  •  Washington's Birthday is February 22, 1732.
  • Lincoln's Birthday is February 12, 1809.
  • There are two other Presidents with February birthdays.  They are William Henry Harrison (February 9, 1773)  and Ronald Reagan (February 6, 1911).
  • Speaking of William Henry Harrison, he held the presidency for the shortest amount of time of any of the Presidents.  Harrison served for exactly one month!  He got sick during his inauguration.  The ceremony was held outside during a snow and freezing rain storm.  W.H.H. refused to wear the proper clothing because he felt it would symbolize weakness to the American Public.  He immediately came down with pneumonia and died soon after.  Unbelievable.  What a moron.

Will, stop trying to be such a tough guy and put on your damn coat!

  • Here's a Reagan fact: He was the oldest president to ever leave office at age 77!  And ironically enough, he too died of pneumonia in 2004.
  • The most popular birthday months for Presidents is October with  J Adams (1735), Hayes (1822), Arthur (1829), T Roosevelt (1858), Eisenhower (1890), and Carter (1924).
  • The runner up is November with 5 birthdays but they haven't had one since Harding being born in 1865 so they better step up their game.  January and July are creeping up with 4.
  •  William Taft was our fattest president weighing in at 350 pounds.  In fact, he once got stuck in the White House bathtub.  Not his finest moment as the leader of the country.
  • One more thing on Taft, a lot of people claim that he is credited for the 7th inning stretch.  In the 7th inning of a Senators game, Taft stood up to stretch out his sore back.  Out of respect for the big guy, the whole crowd stood up all at once!
  • And finally, Andrew Johnson and George W. Bush were our worst presidents.  More on this to come.
Happy Presidents Day Everybody!

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