Friday, February 25, 2011


Welcome back to Music For You To Enjoy.  In an effort to show that I truly am reaching out to all people and all genres of music, we're going to explore an area that most people either love or hate: country.  The way I see it, there are 5 different schools of thought when it comes to country music:

1.) The Grandparent:  "Taylor Swift ain't country.  Merle Haggard, now THAT'S country.  Slide guitars and heart!  What the hell's a Shania?  Where's my tobacco?  I love John Deere."

2.) The Country Fester:  "One day a year I take off my shirt, put on my cowboy hat, dominate the parking lot, lean back as I clench my fists and let out a nice werewolf call into the sky for no reason, funnel beers, skip the first 4 bands, and fake my way through Chesney.  Tomorrow you'll see me at a techno bar and I will not be smiling.  And I'm in college.  Also, I struggle to maintain friendships.  "

Country Fester in 20 years

3.) The True Country Fan:  "I listen to WKLB 102.5.  I like a variety of modern country music performers.  I love Chesney.  I'm glad Miranda Lambert is finally getting recognized.  I respect Darius Rucker's transition from Hootie to Honkie.  Chris Cowan has no problem with me."

4.)  The Hater:  "I HATE country music under any and all circumstances."

5.) Me:  I strongly dislike most country music.  I specifically can't stand Toby Keith, Reba (who doesn't have a last name anymore apparently), Alan Jackson, and anyone who only sings about beer and/or the culture of their one-of-a-kind hometown.  And I especially hate that song 'beer is great, God is good, and people are crazy'.  Who is Billy Currington to proclaim these things?  I for one get indigestion from beer.  Oh well.  I try to be open minded because every now and then some good music really does comes along.  For instance, Keith Urban's a hell of a guitarist.  The Band Perry had a nice little tune, and so did some others.  And to be honest, one of my favorite musicians, Ryan Adams, gets even countrier than country singers now and then.

So if you like country, you probably already know these songs.  If you hate country, you probably hate this blog entry.  If you're feeling open minded like me, give these 2 songs a try.  Overall, I just think they sound nice.  Isn't that what a good song is supposed to do after all?

These are from an up-and-comer named Kenny Chesney, or as I like to call him, Chenny Kesney.  I chose these songs partially because they don't sound very "country", which ruins my whole "open-minded" premise and I am aware of this.  I think Kenny, even though hugely successful already, is evolving into a more complete artist.  The lyrics are direct, honest, and a little deeper than "she thinks my tractor's sexy...".  The music is grander.  And frankly, the only thing that is distinctly "country" here is his unmistakable voice. Without having a ton of knowledge about him, it seems he's gone from typical country singer to country's Jimmy Buffet to who he is today-a talented guy who isn't afraid to break down walls that limit his genre to one.  He's country, I get it.  But he's creative and risky and he's earned that.  And now he has someone like me respecting his work a hell of a lot more than I used to.  And no, I will not be attending Countryfest.  I don't like country music or Kenny Chesney, remember?

*Last thing- try to listen to the songs in their entirety's. They take a few twists and turns.  Then you'll understand the "breaking down genre walls" thing.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I'm on February Vacation this week and I just watched a full hour of Drew Carey's Price is Right.  Before today,  I hadn't watched The Price is Right since Bob Barker was selling condoms to poodles.  Games like Plinko, Hole in One, yodelling mountain climbers (Cliff Hanger), Dice Game and more were beyond exciting.  Barker was smoother than a toilet seat, Rod Roddy was off his rocker, and it was a party-without fail, everyday.  But things have changed.  Barker and his beauties are history, Rod passed away, and so did the magic.  Here are a few thoughts on the downfall of The P.I.R.

1. Drew Carey:  Drew's not Bob.  Drew grew his hair out and he even has a soul patch.  Identity Crisis?  He fumbles over his words "let's see what the preece...price is.  Preece/price I'll get it right, it's an hour long show..." and he even does the math wrong on the big wheel: "90 cents that's gonna be tough to beat!  What?  Oh 80 cents...that's not bad either.  I never was good at math!"  He comes off like he just wants the show to end so he can find another prostitute.  He went from a highly successful sitcom star to a daytime game show host.  He's hanging on for dear life.

2. The Games:  I've already pointed out the excitement and drama of the games from Price's heyday.  But it's getting ridiculous.  The first 4 games today lasted about 20 seconds each.  They either involve "squeezing" the price together by removing a digit, or putting together a combination of numbers.  They hardly involve instructions!  I'm watching what's going to happen next and all of a sudden the sad music starts playing.  Ba Ba Ba Bow BOWWWWW.  The girl looks around like "it's over??" and Drew gives an awkward hug and tells her to meet him at the wheel.  The Price is Right used to be a circus.  Why are they limiting our fun with these boring games? 

3. The Prizes:  Who does this research?  Nobody wants to win a European wooden spoon set.  And nobody wants the grand prize of going to tropical Pittsburgh.  And an 88 year old woman from Tampa doesn't want a pair of snowmobiles.

4.  The Audience:  I guess this happened with the old Price is Right too.  But have these people ever been to a store?  When the item up for bid appears they freak out every single time.  A very basic bicycle gets rolled out and these folks look around as if they've never seen a round wheel.  They panic, begging their peers for help:  "50 dollars?  6 thousand?  I don't know!  What IS this thing?? Help!"  And then more of the same during a boring pricing game: "Milk?  what does milk cost???  I had milk when I was a kid once but my Mom bought it!  Audience, for the love of God what does MILK cost??" 
And calm down, audience.  I know the producers tell you to get riled up, but have some dignity.  You run around like you're escaping a burning building with your homemade "Official Drew Crew P.S. It's My Birthday" t-shirts and you treat the host like he's a Beatle.  You're embarrassing yourselves-and that's BEFORE your 200 dollar bid on a bag of jelly beans.

5.  Can we eliminate the 1-dollar bid rule?  If you bid last, you're at a clear advantage.  The item doesn't cost one dollar and you know it.  If I was standing next to you and you bid a dollar after my solid bid, I'd push you.  You're a cheater.

Bob Barker must be sitting at home petting his testicle-free pit bulls shaking his head in disgust.  But if Jay Leno can stay on the air, Drew Carey can too.  Sadly, there's a huge audience in America for both of these fools.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Last Sunday millions of awe-struck kids, and kids-at-heart, watched the NBA All-Star Game on television.  They watched as their larger than life heroes dunked and drained 3's.  Many of them (not me) would have given anything to be at that game in Los Angeles but they don't have the necessary money, or the means to make that dream come true.  But guess who does?  Stevie Wonder.  Yes, THAT Stevie Wonder.  And it's not like Stevie wasted a seat in the upper balcony.  Stevie sat courtside.

Guy Sitting Next to Stevie: "Wow!  Stevie, did you see that dunk by Kobe??"

Stevie Wonder: "No.  But I could hear the roar of the crowd and it was simply beautiful!"

Let's be clear about one thing: this is strictly an attack on Stevie Wonder, not the less fortunate.  In fact, this is a cry for those who are in times of need.  How many kids in Children's Hospital would have done anything to be 4 feet away from some of the most famous, best athletes in the world?  They would be awe-struck.  And for some of them, it would make their final wishes and dreams come true.  But guess what?  One of those courtside dreams was occupied by a man who couldn't even see the damn game-Selfish Stevie Wonder.  What a waste! 
 Little Stevie could have enjoyed the game the same way from an a.m. radio in Alaska.  And don't tell me that he experienced it through touch and smell too.  Shake a dude's hand at the gym and cook some popcorn, there's your touch and smell.  Stevie performed that night.  Some might say he earned those seats.  Screw that.  He was paid to perform.  Take your money, get a ride home, and save the seat for someone who truly needs that magic moment. 
I can even expand on this call for the less fortunate:  If you sit courtside and you can't put down your iphone to see if anything better is going on, you shouldn't sit there.  In fact, courtside should be reserved for wide-eyed dreamers who want to see their heroes up close and personal.  BUT, if Kevin "Potty-Mouth" Garnett's playing, don't let them forget their earmuffs.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

THINGS COULD BE WORSE: At Least You're Not This Cat.

How does this happen?  I have been thinking about this for hours now.  The only thing I understand about this picture is that I love it.  Stupid Cats.  What is this feline thinking???  Do other cats walk by and make fun of him?  Is he more embarrassed or scared?  What would he say to the other cats?  "Yeah, yeah, yeah I get it.  I'm stuck in the sewer.  Laugh it up assholes..."
A few other things I'm convinced cats say in their minds:

-"Feed me, you stupid human." 

-"I'm tired...again."

-"I'm going to sit on top of the fridge for absolutely no reason."

-"I'm going to kill the baby tonight."

-"I think I'll ruin some furniture."

-"I feel so unPREDICTABLE today!"

-"birds birds birds birrrrrrrrrrds birds birds.  all day I stare at birds."

-"I HATE tax season."  (just making sure you're paying attention)

-"That guy Chris looks like he's afraid of me.  Let's get him."

-"One of these days I'm going to catch that laser.  I just know it."

-"Hey master!  I brought you a gross bloody dead mouse!  You're Welcome!"

-"Leave me alone...until I'm hungry again."

And yes, this selfish cat was saved by the fire department.  Thank God.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr. President...

With Presidents Day upon us?  I think it's only fitting that we give a shout out to some of our more important leaders.  But first, a fun fact or two about Presidents Day:

Did you know that...
  •  Washington's Birthday is February 22, 1732.
  • Lincoln's Birthday is February 12, 1809.
  • There are two other Presidents with February birthdays.  They are William Henry Harrison (February 9, 1773)  and Ronald Reagan (February 6, 1911).
  • Speaking of William Henry Harrison, he held the presidency for the shortest amount of time of any of the Presidents.  Harrison served for exactly one month!  He got sick during his inauguration.  The ceremony was held outside during a snow and freezing rain storm.  W.H.H. refused to wear the proper clothing because he felt it would symbolize weakness to the American Public.  He immediately came down with pneumonia and died soon after.  Unbelievable.  What a moron.

Will, stop trying to be such a tough guy and put on your damn coat!

  • Here's a Reagan fact: He was the oldest president to ever leave office at age 77!  And ironically enough, he too died of pneumonia in 2004.
  • The most popular birthday months for Presidents is October with  J Adams (1735), Hayes (1822), Arthur (1829), T Roosevelt (1858), Eisenhower (1890), and Carter (1924).
  • The runner up is November with 5 birthdays but they haven't had one since Harding being born in 1865 so they better step up their game.  January and July are creeping up with 4.
  •  William Taft was our fattest president weighing in at 350 pounds.  In fact, he once got stuck in the White House bathtub.  Not his finest moment as the leader of the country.
  • One more thing on Taft, a lot of people claim that he is credited for the 7th inning stretch.  In the 7th inning of a Senators game, Taft stood up to stretch out his sore back.  Out of respect for the big guy, the whole crowd stood up all at once!
  • And finally, Andrew Johnson and George W. Bush were our worst presidents.  More on this to come.
Happy Presidents Day Everybody!

Monday, February 14, 2011

MUSIC FOR YOU TO ENJOY: VOLUME 3 (Valentine Addition)

It's that time of year again, lovers.  It's time to treat today as if every other day you treat your partner like crap.  I think that if you are a good boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife in general, Valentine's Day shouldn't have to be that special.  Girls like the spontanaety of flowers or dinner or a card for no reason.  If we really want to wow our significant others, do something amazing on the most random of days.  Nothing says I love you like a foot rub, some wine, and her favorite meal on an unimportant Tuesday in May.  Let's work on making the relationship better every day, not just a day that suffocates us with hearts and cupids and candies every 14th of February.  And another thing, what the hell does a happy, half-naked, fat baby shooting people have to do with falling in love?  I'm sure there's a reason but I doubt it's all that logical.

With that being said (hugely overstated phrase these days, by the way), Here are a few romantic songs for you and your Valentine:

I heard this first song on Real World Las Vegas years ago.  That's how I found out about Citizen Cope who is now one of my favorite artists.  His genre is a little tough to pin down.  He does everything from acoustic rock to folk to rap to hip hop to r & b to dance to jazz.  But even though he's a little bit of everything, his sound is undeniable.  On the surface his vocal range is rather limited, but his music often makes up for it.  If you like this song, be sure to check out some others to understand what I mean.  Norah Jones+Marvin Gaye+Beck+sex= this song.

Next we have a song by a man who I consider the best vocalist of all time, Jeff Buckley.  Buckley's story is tragic.  One more album by this guy before his death and his impact rivals that of Cobain, I just know it.  To truly appreciate his voice, check out the song "Grace".  He hits and holds notes that are unbelievable.  In fact, his voice was recognized by leading audio manufacturers to highlight the highs that the speakers were able to reach.  But this wasn't Adam Lambert.  The clarity in his voice and music was also undeniable.  This song is called "Everybody Here Wants You".  The straight-forwardness in the chorus is so relatable.  We've all had moments like this.  It makes you want to throw this song on the jukebox of a half-empty bar and stare down your prey.  The sounds in this song along with the vulrnability of the message will ensure that your night becomes at least a little interesting.

Happy Hearts Day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Chris singing Babe by Styx:

I realize it's not the Rihanna-based Billerica rica rica eh eh video (who IS that guy??), but I hope you appreciate the harmonies, the 80s Ross Geller/David Schwimmer keyboard playing,  
and of course-the bongos.  Was my singing perfect?  No, I was a little pitchy.    Could I have made it to Hollywood on Idol?  I like to think so. I have since expanded my karaoke repertoire to include other challenging songs.  However you will NEVER hear me singing any of the following:

Toby Keith-"I love This Bar" (not anymore!)
Bob Segar-"Old Time Rock n Roll"
Billy Joel-"Piano Man"(another reason to hate Ben Rapelburgers)
Kid Rock-"Cowboy"
John Cougar(is it cougar this week or just Mellencamp?) Mellancamp-"Jack and Diane"
Meatloaf-"Paradise by the Dashboard Light"
John Travolta and Olivia Newton John-"Summer Nights"
Journey-"Don't Stop Believing"
Neil Diamond-"Sweet Caroline"
Hey Neil!  Probably not a good move to wear that stupid coat while performing at Fenway.  That's where the Red Sox play.  In fact, the Brooklyn Dodgers don't play anywhere.  And you're grossly overrated as a song writer and as a vocalist.  Now go roll around in all of your money.  Thanks. 
Bonnie Raitt-"Something to Talk About"(let's talk about how terrible you just sang!)
Gloria Gaynor-"I Will Survive"  (but my ears may not!)
Garth Brooks-"Friends in Low Places" (not after choosing this song!)
Joan Jett-"I Love Rock and Roll"  In fact, these songs make me temporarily HATE rock and roll.

Don't get me wrong: I enjoy karaoke as an escape for those of us who never made it to the big stage.  But for for the love of Pete have some originality.  I'm sick of seeing 4 middle aged ladies up there belting out Black Velvet or wasting away again in Margaritaville all the time.  Turn some heads once in a while.  This is your moment.  Choose a cool tune and  be proud of who you are. We're all watching you so hug that microphone, hit a few notes we didn't think you could hit, and goddamn it for those 3 minutes, be somebody.

Words cannot explain how happy this made me.

chris and vince...he loves me.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Never Gonna Give You Up": 2 Songs, 1 Title

"Never Gonna Give You Up" is a highly underrated song towards the end of the new Black Keys album.  The Black Keys get a lot of credit for being a great band, but a lot of times even great bands don't get credit for some of their best songs because they aren't released as singles.  This particular song is a great play when you want to kick things up a notch with your lady friend.  I think it works on many different levels.
 For instance, first date: "I've held a girl's hand before, but there's something different about you and I don't want the night to end yet." 
Or the second date: "I know we aren't exclusive, but who are we kidding?  There's something real happening here.  Take your shoes off." 
And of course, the long term relationship play: "Baby, I know work was tough, but the weekend's here and Daddy ordered pizza.  Put on your pajamas."
In other words, this is an old school/new school love song that works in any romantic situation.

Then we have a song by the same name by the one and only Rick Astley.  My mother used to love Rick Astley.  And I, even as a young boy, couldn't stand the guy and did not understand why he was famous. His voice confused me.  But I'm sure there have been many blogs written before about how insanely awful Astley is, so I won't go off on the poor bastard.  However, if you click on this link, check out the crazy bartender.  This dude is so moved by Rick, he can't help but dancing and smiling and eventually losing all control.  It's incredibly random, but given the circumstances, it's so right.  Who is he even making drinks for?  I wonder if this guy ever did anything bigger than fake bar tend in this awful video.  Is he even alive still?  I would research this, but that would make me even less cool than him.  Either way, it's absolutely fascinating.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Strangest Commercial Ever...

This commercial has been coming and going for well over a year now.  It is the strangest commercial.  We've all seen it...there's a thunderstorm, the lady's scared, the boyfriend laughs as he comforts her.  Then, out of nowhere, he turns into a scary serious man.  There is no smooth transition here.  I don't know if it's bad editing or what.  But I am baffled by this sudden change in emotions.  It looks like he may kill this girl.  Check out the clip and pay attention at 8 seconds.
And based on the title of the clip, I'm not alone.

Steve Burton and Jonathan Papelbon: Awkward Moments

For those that didn't see it on Facebook or hear it live, I was on The Sports Hub yesterday with Felger and Mazz.  Why did I call yesterday?  I don't even know.  I have a ton of shit going on right now.  Also, I'm a huge Pats fan as most of you know so I really have no good explanation why I called the Wednesday after a Super Bowl we weren't even in.  But something compelled me to rip on a few things that I find awkward about the Boston sports scene.  Most notably, Steve Burton's smile as he looks into the camera right before a commercial.  Except they don't cut to commercial right away and we are stuck staring at our televisions as Burton's tiny afro and infomercial smile burn our eyes out.  "After the break, Tully Banta-Cain breaks it all down for us, right here, on Sports Final."  And he smiles........and smiles.......and makes us scramble for the remote.


The other awkward Boston Sports Moment that drives me crazy is the ceremonial and always intimidating Papelbon entrance music.  He's not Mariano Rivera.  He's not Trevor Hoffman.  These guys earned there theme songs.  But when the Dropkick Murphys start playing at Fenway, it's almost like the other team's like "maybe this thing's NOT over, Papelbon's coming in!!  Let's score some runs!" 
So sometimes he gets the save, and sometimes he doesn't.  But man, do I feel awkward after 38,000 Sox fans are rhythmically clapping and singing "shippin up to Boston whoaaa" and then after 2 mean-faced mediocre Papelbon fastballs, we're losing.  Hey at least we had a nice little sing-along there in between innings.  My question is this:  If Papelbon sucks for the first 2 months, do they still play it?  What if Jenks or Bard takes over the closer role?  Do we go all Dropkick in the sixth when Pap comes in?  Stop the madness!

ship him out of Boston whoahhhhh!


Hello Friends,  here is the second entry to the incredibly well-received "Music For You to Enjoy" section of the blog.

To me, the following two songs carry a similar message.  They sort of convey a view of escapism.  The first song confesses "I keep holding on...waiting for the sun.  I keep holding on...waiting for the light...".  I think that towards the latter half of this winter, we all can't wait for spring.  Whether it's the Red Sox, or just the mild weather in general, the literal message of the chorus definitely applies.  Though these same lyrics can carry a deeper introspective message that screams of "keeping the faith and waiting for better days".  Either way, I think this song is great and the chorus is one that may stay in your head all day.  Without further nonsense, I give you The Shore-Waiting for the Sun.

The next song is by Thriving Ivory. You may know this song.  But if you don't, you should.  "Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know.  If I can't see the sun, then maybe I should go.  Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming...of angels on the moon..."  Without hearing the music that accompanies these lyrics, it might appear sorrowful.  But the song has a sweeping, epic, uplifting style about it.   This kid's voice is unlike most.  If you heard one of your friend's trying to sing like this, you'd probably tell him it sounds awful.  But this guy has such a unique sound and it meshes perfectly with the music.  Hope you like.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I will say this about a miserable winter: it gives me reason to get things done for work.  Feeling productive is always a good thing.  But being productive for work is only so exciting.  The mind tends to wander.  I think about palm trees and golf and grass and other fun things I haven't experienced in a long time.  Here are some other crazy and not so crazy things to try and/or think about in the dead of winter:

-play racquetball- Great workout, but somewhat dangerous.  If you aren't that good yet, there's a chance you could get smashed in the skull by your opponent's racquet. And there's always a decent shot of a rubber ball rocketing into one of yours.

-Cook- I'm trying to become a good cook on the grill.  I cook homemade burgers, steak tips, chicken, sausages, and even salmon on the grill.  But in case you didn't know, the grill is outside.  I am very intimidated by the oven/stove combination and to be honest, I didn't know which was which until very recently.

-Go to the Gym- I don't like the gym.  I love being active but I only enjoy sports that involves throwing, catching, or kicking a ball.  Solution?  I purchased the Perfect Sit Up machine.  I like it and I do find it easy to use, but my God is this thing awkward looking.  If it didn't say Perfect Sit Up in huge letters, you would think it was a contraption from a Swedish Porno-not that I watch Swedish Porn.

-Here's an idea I heard on Felger and Mazz:  Push the NFL season back by one month.  When the NFL kicks off, it's usually the first or second Sunday in September.  For a lot of people, this is still the summer.  We aren't as dependent on football yet.  We can go in the pool, go to the beach, go to a cookout, and do a number of outdoor things.  If the season started towards the end of September, the Super Bowl wouldn't be until the week before President's Day.  How great would it be to know that today (February 8th), we still had a big game to look forward to?  Any true football fan would enjoy this.

-Buy a Car- President's Day sales are here because people are antcy, they've been in hibernation, and they want to DO something.  Why not buy a car?  The new car smell alone will make you think you're in a rental vehicle in a warmer climate.

-Play Pool With Some Friends- I don't have a joke or an interesting comment here.  I just think it's a good idea.

-Have a Baby-I realize you have to plan ahead on this one for the kid to actually come out in February.  My wife's parents had her in February  and that turned out pretty nice.  So I get to buy her presents and give her a special day one week after Valentine's Day.  Speaking of Valentine's Day: it's stupid.

Anybody have any better ideas?


If you are reading this blog entry from New England, you get it.  It's freezing.  It's so cold that  you don't even want to wake up, or change out of your pajamas, or sit on a toilet, or take a shower, or get in your car and actually move enough to put on your seat belt.  I don't have to sit here and tell you that there's a lot of snow out there, but just look at it.  It's not going anywhere.  It's black and dirty.  Those shitty chunks that fall out of the wheel wells and undercarriages of vehicles are all over the road.  And speaking of roads, it's like car-slalom out there with these potholes.  And can you hear that noise in the distance that sounds like a bomb about to drop?  That's the resale value of our salt-covered vehicles plummeting due to this winter wear and tear.  But I'm being hypocritical because I'm sick of people talking about snow.  It's like going to a stranger for your haircut in the middle of a heatwave and having them say "hot enough for ya??"  I've always hated that.  I've had the same barber for years so I don't have this problem, but whenever I hear the obligatory weather convo starter at the barber shop, my toes crinkle up and I cough awkwardly. 
OK,  I've said my piece about the snow.  It's here.  It sucks.  I don't ski.  I don't skate.  And I'm too old to sled.  And this is the worst time of year for sports.  It's no coincidence that Sports Illustrated puts out the swimsuit issue in February.  The Super Bowl is over and March Madness is in, well...March.  So what's a young man like myself supposed to do besides pretend like I care about American Idol?  I have a few ideas...stay tuned...

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I've always felt that an accurate way to define American society was through the celebration of holidays.  We can learn so much about religion, economy, tradition, entertainment, values, and other sociological identifiers by stepping back, observing, and comparing holidays over time.  It is my contention that Super Bowl Sunday has turned into perhaps the second most popular holiday in America, trailing only Christmas. 
If we look at the sheer amount of human beings that somehow celebrate the Super Bowl (and by celebrating, all I mean is being aware and contributing to the event-which in this case involves turning on your television and acknowledging the festivities), the volume that contributes to this day on an American, and even global scale, beats out holidays like Easter, Independence Day, New Year's Eve, and other lesser recognized holidays easily.  You're questioning Easter?  Well, if you don't have children under age 9 the Bunny doesn't apply to you.  And oh by the way if you aren't very religious and/or you don't have a lot of family, then Easter Sunday becomes just another day. 
This brings us to Thanksgiving.  If you look at the factors that make up the magnitude of a big holiday, several apply to Turkey Day.  First, religion doesn't limit the number of folks who celebrate Thanksgiving.  Next we look at economy.  It can be argued that between the jam packed grocery stores leading up to Thanksgiving AND the ultra-famous Black Friday combined allow this holiday to rival Christmas in terms of spending.  Here's where Thanksgiving takes a hit:  it is strictly an American holiday.  Even those in Canada don't technically celebrate it.  So while Thanksgiving probably slightly overpowers the Super Bowl in our country, on a global level it's not even close.  You want proof?  check out how many countries broadcast the Super Bowl.  The worldwide television ratings alone show us that the Super Bowl impacts more people than Thanksgiving.  It's not even close from this aspect.
Admittedly, Christmas is King.  Yes, it is predominantly a Christian holiday.  But the gift giving, the Santa Claus, the songs, the LEGNTH of the season, and the collective world wide celebration in one way or another is untouchable.  So let's not even go here.
This brings us to the Super Bowl again.  Let's look at our major factors:  Religion does not apply so it doesn't limit any particular participant.  The economy is hugely impacted.  Food, liquor, Vegas, the COMMERCIALS, and other spending is off the charts.  Tradition definitely applies.  Yes it has evolved into so much more than a game, but the tradition of football, Sunday, et cetera has not changed.  I can't see a lot in the way of values.  Maybe some people watch it with family I guess, but other holidays trump the Super Bowl here. 
My point here is this:  The popularity of the NFL is at an all time high.  The impact on our American society/economy alone is beyond enormous.  And the Super Bowl, an unofficial holiday, has turned itself into something second only to the birth of Jesus Christ.  And there might not be a season next year due to a labor dispute between owners and players.  Billionaires versus millionaires.  Our struggling economy would take a hit that it cannot withstand right now.  Middle to lower class America needs the NFL and its grand finale-Super Bowl Sunday.
Here's hoping that if Arlen Specter (a senior senator from Pennsylvania in the Federal Government) can get involved for "Spygate", I hope that the most powerful country in the world can step up and make sure we have football next year too.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


These are some songs that I really like that are not on the radio.  Most of us live in a technologically dependent world now so it's fairly easy to access millions of songs.  With itunes, Rhapsody, myspace, Pandora, and more, we are constantly exposed to new music from lesser known artists.  TV soundtracks have also grown increasingly popular.  When I was younger, I enjoyed listening to radio late at night, searching Napster, or other obscure websites to track down new music.  I learned that the majority of great music out there never even makes it to radio.  It was up to us to discover it as true music fans.  Like I said, in today's day and age, it's easier to hear more music-which is great.  But still, there is so much out there that is yet to be enjoyed by most of us.  Here are a few youtube links to songs and artists that I really like. 

This is a track from Jon Foreman.  Jon's the lead singer of the band Switchfoot.  This song, "The Cure For Pain", shows a different side of the frontman.  This acoustic song contains heartfelt lyrics while incorporating subtle horns and background vocals that really add to the sound.  It's a true departure from the Switchfoot singles most people know from the radio.

This next song is by an artist named Ari Hest.  I first heard Ari back in one of those headphone listening booths in the old Tower Records in Burlington.  He has a very cool, unique voice and his writing is very creative.  He has grown with every album he has released and he's also a great live performer.  This particular track, I've always felt, would be great as the soundtrack to an important scene in a psycholigical thriller.  What I like about Ari is that almost every song has its own identity.  Notice the production in this sound.  His vocals start off recorded with a distinctly low-fi sound and the song eventually evolves into a clear multi-instrumental, harmony-filled gem.  (sidenote:  this is the best sounding version I could find on youtube.  don't blame me OR Ari Hest for the creepy anime cartoon figures on top of each other.  thanks.)

If you don't like these two songs, fear not.  Keep an open mind and I will post more in the future.

Live Like You Were Living

Live Like You Were Dying is a crazy thing to say.
It's what Tim McGraw said after Tug passed away.
Laughing, loving, splashing in the waves,
like Ben Franklin said, let's sleep when we get to our graves.
If I lived like I was dying I know I'd be sad.
I'd be stuck reminiscing about all the good times I had.
"Live Forever" is what I like to pretend.
For those that I love I don't picture the end.
Live like you were living and  take away the pain.
If we worry about the bad things there's nothing left to gain.
I'm not sure I'd be ok if I lived like I was dying.
I just think I'd sit in my room and do a lof of crying.
Kiss your wife and hug your kids and give your dog a bone.
Cherish your friends and all those around you and never be alone.
Make every day count and do the little things right.
And even if it doesn't snow, may all your Christmases be white.
Sing your favorite song in a karaoke bar.
Roll the windows down and smile in your car.
Be sure to take in sunsets.  Always enjoy the views.
And if you still read the paper, search for some good news.
There are more than a million things we can do to make us smile.
So make a difference in this world, enjoy yourself, and stay here for a while.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thoughts I Had While Snow Blowing...

I think it would be fun to have a tv show with a caucasian man and and an Asian man.  They would constantly have moral dilemmas to deal with and they would also be debate team rivals.  The name of this show would be called "White Against Wong".  Or, "Knowing White from Wong".  Or we could completely change the concept of the show and make it about a Chinese woman who has the hots for a white guy but they are stuck in "best friend mode".  In this case we could call the show "If Loving You is White, I Don't Wanna be Wong".  Or maybe not.

If someone says "off the record..." before the next sentence, does that mean they can say anything they want and it's ok?  Like, "off the record...I killed a guy."  Where do we draw the line here?