Monday, May 16, 2011

Two Opinions on "The Mission"

I am not a political expert, and I am certainly not an expert on war.  And there are thousands of people out there who are far better equipped than me to speak on the heroic events that occurred in Pakistan a few weeks ago.  But with the Internet as a sounding-off board for anybody and everybody, the stupidity of some is highlighted during times like these.  I believe that if you truly do not understand something, or are misinformed about something, then you probably shouldn't speak about it. It would not be fair of me as a teacher, coach, and casual blogger to amplify any polarizing views about a topic like this.  The magnitude of September 11th and the consequent murder of its architect cannot be understated, and the majority of the world knows this.  But I have two small opinions that I keep coming back to about the Soldiers and the President, and I'd like to finally type them out.  Nothing too intense, and definitely not anything that I consider polarizing.  And if in some twisted way these opinions offend anyone, well...I can't help you.

Opinion #1: Team 6 is beyond skilled and beyond talented.  I am so thankful that these human beings made the career choices that they made.  Believe me, I am also thankful for those that took their smarts to great colleges and universities to become life-saving doctors.  But, these soldiers probably could have gone that route too.  Instead, they became death-defying Navy Seals who ended the life of a man who wanted September 11th catastrophes to occur on our soil on a daily basis.  If by some chance you're a Navy Seal, or anybody else that truly defends our country, thank you so much.  In American Society, it sometimes appears like we only stop to think about your bravery during newscasts or before sporting events.  You deserve so much more appreciation than that.  But the truth is, you make us feel free and safe every single day, and that's an incredible feeling to have. 

Opinion #2: Many people feel that the timing of this mission was purposely lined up to spark Obama's re-election campaign next year.  If this is what gets Obama re-elected next year, that's fine with me.  This man just approved arguably the most risky, yet successful military operation in modern American military history.  That has to count for something.  Let's argue about health care some other time.


  1. Why do you consider it "arguably the most risky operation in modern American military history?"

  2. Risky AND successful. And in this case, I'll define "modern" as post WWII.
